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Summer Cuts

Ever feel generally overwhelmed by life?  None of it is anything life-changingly major, but more like what feels like hundreds of little things pressing down on you so that you can’t decide which thing to take care of or where to start or when?

That’s where I’ve been these last few weeks of summer.  Trying to get to most of the items on the “Summer To Do List” and hoping the kids won’t remember the things we didn’t get to in the midst of making mostly fun memories.  All the while knowing which kid will remember that we didn’t get to her summer scrapbook project.  And being unable to shake that overwhelmed feeling off.

Because school will be starting next week and I’m completely not ready to let three of them go.  But on the flip side, I’m completely looking forward to hanging with #4 and seeing life through his two-year-old lens.  I think I need that.

But most of all, needing to give it all to the Lord and asking for wisdom to know what’s really important and what can be set aside without guilt or fear.  And trying my darnedest to not take it all back up again as though I can handle it all myself.

In any case, it is high time I get back to trying to get caught up here on the ol’ blog.  And if you’ve been with me for any amount of time, you know it’s really just never gonna happen.  :p

So at the start of summer, the girls asked if they could get their hair cut.  We had let it grow and grow ever since the haircutting fiasco of 2011 and apparently they decided it was time.  The sooner the better, they said.  But, we still had to wait for a day when Phil could stay home with the boys so that we could scoot over to the salon.

Because as God is my witness, I will never cut girls’ hair again.

Okay, maybe a tad dramatic, but fool me twice?  No way, Jose.  Also, I no longer have the postpartum hazy delirium to blame things on.  (Btw, these pictures are straight off my cell phone.  Just because overwhelmed, remember?)

So the day finally came in mid-July when I could take the girls for haircuts.  I called Roselle, my favorite hair person EVER, in the morning and asked if she could squeeze us in that day.  Because I just don’t have it in me anymore to call a week or even a few days in advance.  Without missing a beat, she said yes and see you in a few hours.  But when we got there for our appointed appointment, lo and behold, the salon was closed and dark!

Did I get the wrong day?  Did I completely misunderstand?  This is unfortunately completely within my realm of possibility these days, so I thought I really had heard wrong.  And I was just about ready to burst my girls’ bubble of happiness when Roselle pulled up behind us!

She was closed that day, but opened her shop just for us!

See?  Favorite hair person EVER.

The girls thought it was pretty darn special to have the salon all to ourselves.  Truth be told, I did too.

The obligatory before shot, front.

The obligatory before shot, back.

 My giddy girl.

She actually has a bit of waviness in her hair.

While this one…

has completely stick-straight hair.  I had wanted to donate their hair to Locks of Love, but it turned out that it wasn’t long enough to meet the length requirement.  Hopefully we’ll be able to do it one day.

The big sis went first.

She kept up a steady stream of chit-chat.  A talent her sometimes-socially-awkward mom does not possess.

Meanwhile, the lil sis made herself comfy while awaiting her turn.

She was loving all the primping.


Next came her turn.

She was also loving all the primping.

But was decidedly less chatty than her sister.  This is pretty much how I look when I’m getting my haircut, too.  Except only bigger.

And then she was done too!  Roselle went a bit edgier with her and gave her an A-line cut with bangs.  I think she was pleased.

The obligatory after shot, front.

The obligatory after shot, back.

Or, to put it more concisely…

They loved both their haircuts and Roselle and can’t wait to go back!  So maybe, we’ll make it sooner than two years before their next cut.  πŸ˜‰

ADDENDUM: Okay, so I just realized after writing this whole thing that I actually did take the girls in for haircuts last year.  But it was only to get a couple inches cut.  Barely a trim, I’d say.  Hm.  Maybe I’m still in the postpartum hazy delirium, come to think of it.  Never you mind that my infant is now two and a half years old.  I think that’s what they call semantics.  Maybe.

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  • Joyce (and Norm)

    Postpartum hazy delirium lasts for at least 18 years. πŸ˜‰ I have done Locks of Love for my past 6(?) donations, but decided to do Children with Hair Loss with M this time around. I think E has enough too, but she won't let anyone touch her hair. It's her baby hair!!! Children with Hair Loss and Pantene's program both take 8 inches instead of 10 inches like Locks of Love. Anyhow, super cute cuts!! And how cool to get private salon time.

  • Michelle

    That's awesome Joyce! But darn, I wish I had known about those organizations before we cut their hair. Will definitely do it next time then.

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