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What We’re Eating: Oatmeal Edition

Well.  The kids started school this week.  And this year, we as a family have decided to try them all (minus Jonah) in school.  And so far, they each have been loving it.  Thank you, Lord.  Which means, for the first time in several years, I actually have just one at home with me during the days.  It’s odd.  And delightful.  And weird.  And wonderful.  Oddly delightful while simultaneously being wonderfully weird.

So I’m just getting back into the groove of hanging with a two-year-old and deciding how we want to spend this gift of time we’ve got together.  I’m excited about it.  Plus, he’s going down for two-hour naps before we go to pick the others up from school, so there’s that gift, too.

Except for this week, it’s been grocery shopping and errand running every day.  But I’m going to try very hard not to let that happen to too many of our days.

I also got to thinking, what with all this time on my hands, that I’d like to start a new section on this blog.  Except I don’t know how to add a new section.  So that part will be forthcoming.  And I want to call it something super clever and exciting.  Except all I can think of is “What We’re Eating.”  And I’d like to take pretty pictures of, you know, what we’re eating.  Except I have five (okay six, because I tend to get the grumpiest of all when hungry) clamoring mouths to feed and we ain’t got time to wait around for mommy to take pretty food pictures and also it’s usually dark by the time dinner rolls out on our table.  So it’s mostly going to be pictures from my phone.  Boo.

Wow, the more I talk about it, the more enticing it’s becoming, eh?  I’m adding this section to try and compile food pics, ideas, and recipes in one place for those times I’m in a cooking rut or I forget that great meal we had never to be made again because I tend to be forgetful like that, and to simply share what food things have been working for our family.  I’m hoping it becomes something helpful to you, too!

That is, if I don’t completely forget about it by next week.  Ha.

So for this first What We’re Eating (WWE) installment, I bring you [drumroll please]…


[insert trumpet fanfare]

I came across this post and decided to throw some together since Phil has been buying oatmeal containers to eat at work in the morning.  I figured it would end up being cheaper and I could throw in some healthy add-ins at the same time.

To start…

The add-ins (just what I had already at home).  Will be getting more stuff to try new combos soon.

Once it’s all thrown together… ta da!

Or the baggie version.

Could even make a cute gift idea, maybe?

And here’s a handy dandy printable recipe!  But I won’t tell you how long it took me to figure out how to do this.  Heh.

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