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Science Camp

And so begins my mad dash through all the rest of our summer happenings.  It was busy.  And SO MUCH FUN.  And I hope I can get through them all before Christmas.  

First up: Science Camp.

My dear friend Gwen suggested we get together one week of summer to do some science experiments/learning activities with our kids.  Because she’s a teacher and she’s great about educating her kids.  Never mind that I used to be a teacher.  I have no idea what happened to me.  Whatever.  She was full of suggestions of lesson plans, going through the scientific method, physics experiments, or quantum something or other…

That’s about when my eyes glazed over and she lost me.

But because I’m all for higher learning and the quantum stuff (read: playdates), I threw out the idea of doing a ready-made Chemistry and Physics science kit.

Mostly because I found it at TJ Maxx just before we started planning out the week.

So Gwen humored me and we went with the science kit because she is a good friend and she knows how important higher learning and quantum playdates are to me.

And also our original full week somehow got whittled down to three days of one week.

But quality over quantity, eh?

Anywho, the kids learned a whole lot as we made slippery slugs, real-looking guts, fart putty, and fake blood.  It was intense.  So intense that I brought out the camera only on the last day.  Again, I have no idea what happened to me.

On our last science camp day, we made us some bouncy balls!

Heheheh, this picture cracks me up.  Lookit my boy Jonah.  This about sums up his week.  Er, three days.

Hahaha, sorry.  This one also makes me laugh.  He was totally just going around and around that little table doing his own thing.  On another note, lookit how big my other baby is now!  Hanging with the big kids and doing her own experiments with protective goggles on her head.  All growns up.

She has a steadier hand than her mama does.

Who knew brightly colored sand-like stuff can turn into a bouncy ball?  Okay, you probably already knew this.  Give a girl a break willya?  I skipped physics in high school and never looked back.  Until now.

The cold water dunking.

Holding it under water for a minute.  Or was it three?  I forget now.

The moment of truth…

The girls witnessing the moment of truth…

That it actually worked!

Bouncy ball success was had by all.

This one.  Such a sweet.  🙂

We had a fabulous three-day science camp with these two.

Thanks for everything Auntie Gwen, and can’t wait to do it again next summer!  Will keep my eyes peeled for another kit!  😉

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