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The Sleepover, Part Two

Then we moved everyone to the home portion of the sleepover.

And what is a boys’ sleepover without a little photobombing thrown in?

We pretty much let the boys decide the order of events once we got everyone inside.  So that’s how it was decided that present opening should come next.  Loved this name card made by friend J.

It was continuous talking while unwrapping.  That’s my boy.  Still in his VBS shirt, too.

They all got him stuff he loves- Calvin & Hobbes, and Lego sets.  So sweet to see how well these friends know each other.  🙂

Then they moved into Mikey’s room to build all the Lego sets.

Then it was In-n-Out at their own boys’ table for dinner.

Then movie time with popcorn laced with marshmallows and m&ms.

Then it was time to get ready for bed which in boy-speak can only mean, Pillow Fight!

It was every man for himself.


And then the biggest kid of all appeared.

Then it became four against one.

Then it was Bible story time, read on the Kindle.

Remember what I said earlier about this boy basking in all the extra attention?

Well, bask he certainly did.

And even went around to make sure each friend got a chance to shower him with attention.  Wow.

It was pretty tough trying to get him to come out of that room with all the fun boys in there when it was finally time for lights out.

Of course, lights out didn’t necessarily mean sleep’s on though.  I heard the last two holdouts stayed up past 1:30 am!

The third and last installment will be coming tomorrow!

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