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The Sleepover, Part Three

Surprisingly bright and early the next day, all were up at at ’em.  One of the Js was particularly interested in what we’d be having for breakfast.  He asked if a tall stack of pancakes might make an appearance.

I was happy to oblige, only I threw in mini chocolate chips in them.  No one seemed to mind.  Bacon, turkey sausage, scrambled eggs, and strawberries made an appearance, too. 

They decided it was time for a water fight after breakfast.  Allie wanted to join them.  Her face cracks me up here.

Open fire!

Then run!

Poor J got blasted.

The water and the foggy morning made for a very cold combo.

Then this happened…

See that big grin?

Blasted again!

So then this happened.

Followed by this.

Whereupon it was decided by all that it was much too cold for this monkey business.

So they came inside again.  Despicable Me.

And finally cake time!

Mesmerized by candlelight.  Or the Star Wars figures.


And of course, Dr. Phil approved (because he put ’em together) goody bags.

So thankful for this great group of friends who came over to celebrate our boy turning nine.  And so thankful for nine years with our boy who is such a gift to us.  We love you, Mikey!

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