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A Camping We Will Go

Summer was rapidly coming to an end but we couldn’t let it go without one last weekend of rip-roaring fun.  This time in the form of a camping trip with my brother’s family and grandpa.

“Rip-roaring fun” being a relative term depending on who you happen to be asking. 😉

All six of us sleeping in a tent for two nights?  “Rip-roaring fun!” according to the kids.  However, you might possibly get a slightly different answer from Phil. 

There was some good eating all weekend long.

 Barbecue chicken…  mmmm…

Corn on the cob…  getting hungry…  maybe also a little tired…

Boys and sticks.  A tale as old as time.

Little J was pretty pleased with herself after climbing on top of that stump all by herself.

A nice little setup for the kids’ table to keep the flies away.

Phil missed the memo that this was our tough “show me your fist and/or elbow” shot.

And then, we made fire.  But it was mostly just smoke at first.

We have fire!  Success!
Everyone thought it couldn’t get much better than this.
Then Auntie Joanna busted out the marshmallows.
Trying to stay away from those sparks!
Then darkness fell.
Yup, it couldn’t get much better than this.
That is, until Phil busted out the Jiffy Pop popcorn.  And then, our first night camping was complete.
More camping pics to come.
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