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Camping, Day Two (cont’d)

And the rest of the fishing pictures…

Seriously, the fish just kept biting and biting and biting!

Jonah had turned around just in time to see me pretend to take a bite out of this little fishy and turned around to open wide, too.

A cute, normal couple taking a nice picture together.

Continuing our inability to take a normal picture together.

No matter, so long as the fish kept biting!

Jonah lecturing the fish to stay in the bucket.  Or admonishing the rest of us to stay away from his bucket.  Can’t tell for sure which.

A rare Tsai family pic!  Thanks Joanna for taking this one.

I love this one.

This one, too.

And when the fishing finally started to slow down, there were still ducks to feed.

 Also, this.

Yup, I think they were about fished out at this point.

So I found other subjects to shoot.

An unexpected sizable catch.  Enough for dinner that night.

The ragtag camping crew turned fisher folk.

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