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Camping, Day Three

Then came our final day of camping together…

Started off right with this beauty- pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, and granola.

The familia.

Then we tried to pack up before the heat got to us and snuck in a few more group shots.  And yes, that is my dad giving Jonah bunny ears.

Crazy face.  And yes, that is my dad just being normal.

Cousin group shot.

Cousin crazy face.

Then, we voted to head back to civilization (In-n-Out) and air conditioning over cooking and eating lunch in the great outdoors.

And then, because my brother and I sometimes always have trouble with goodbyes, we found ourselves at a nearby park to let the kids play and keep the fun going just a little longer.  And yes, this park had a beautiful lake built-in right next to it.

The kids were all in favor of the park idea.

Especially this guy who has never met a slide he doesn’t like.

J trying to navigate through the “chopping block”.

Sweet, fearless girl climbed up all by herself!

Soaring high.

And finally, because my brother and I sometimes always have trouble with goodbyes, we all had dinner together (sushi) and then made one last stop.  For this giant bowl of shaved ice.  Such a great day that we didn’t want to see come to an end.  Although, my poor dad was pretty worn out and sick of all of us by the time we finally said goodbye.  :p

This one goes down as one of the best camping trips ever.  No matter that this was our (Tsais) first ever camping trip.  It’s gonna be hard to top this one, but I sure hope we’ll get to try next summer!

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