old blog

The Fountain

It was really hot the first few weeks of school.  So hot that Allie would have a sweaty head by the time I picked her up.  Poor girl.  She is Daddy’s girl in more ways than one.

So one afternoon, I dressed Jonah in swim clothes and packed the other kids’ swim stuff to take with us when we went to pick everyone up from school.

The swimming pool might be your first guess, and a good guess it would be.  But not this day.  Four kids, two non-swimmers, plus myself being required to go in the pool with them to make sure no one drowns doesn’t sound completely fun or relaxing.  At least to me.  That’s more of a two-man job and we do it when the Daddy can join us.

So on this day, we ended up here…

Our little neighborhood mall which has an outdoor water fountain built right in to the ground.  The kids are always asking if they can go run in it, but the answer is always no because it’s always too cold and the kids are always too dressed (with real shoes on) to just let ’em get soaking wet.

But on this day, the answer was a big ol’ surprise YES.

Plus Mommy got to stay mostly dry, no one was in danger of drowning, and they had a grand time splashing and playing around.


He mostly liked to slap the water around.

My boy who wears his heart on his sleeve.  It’s never too difficult to guess how he’s feeling at any given moment.  I love this about him.

This one cracks me up.

The younger two were getting cold and were ready to wrap up in towels and warm themselves in the sun.

Big sis helping little bro wipe water drops off his face.

See?  Mommy can be fun… once in a while.  :p

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