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Legoland, Day One

For several years, my parents have run a group home for adults with developmental disabilities.  And every year, my step-mom takes the group out on a special trip.  In past years, they’ve gone on cruises, visited the Grand Canyon, and went to Disneyland among other things.  This past summer, Mira told us this year’s trip was going to be a weekend at Legoland in September.

And so, all of us (my brother’s family too) came tagging along!

We stayed in the newly built Legoland Hotel.  More on that to come…

This giant Lego tower in the middle of the lobby was our first clue that this was no ordinary hotel.  My Lego boy in Lego heaven.  Pretty much.

My Lego boy who always manages to make a friend wherever he goes.  Grandpa says he gets that from him.  This boy told me a little later that his family was visiting from Australia.  And yes, he had the coolest accent and I kept asking him questions just to keep hearing his cool accent.

The little brother also seems to have inherited the friend-making gene.

Takes this one a little longer to warm up though since she inherited her mommy’s shy gene.

Thankfully her best friend is never very far away.

Meanwhile the Daddy was taking care of getting us checked in.

While a Lego bike with magnifying glass in the wheels quietly highlighted the back wall which was covered with possibly every mini-figure ever made.

Okay, enough gawking in the hotel!  We have things to do and people to see!

Getting sprayed by the giant.

Comin’ round the bend.

Our whole ragtag crew.  🙂

We stopped for lunch when the hotel called to say our room was ready.  So Phil went to get our key card while I stayed in the park with the kids.  We waited… and waited… and waited.  After a few texts from me inquiring about his whereabouts, Phil sends me this pic:

At least one of us was enjoying himself.  Ha ha.

After a very fun day, we headed back to the hotel to get cleaned up before meeting again for dinner.

The kids couldn’t wait to get the treasure chest open.  Getting the code involved a little scavenger hunt in the hotel.

Fun surprises inside for all.

Lego magazine, a surprise mini-figure, and a bag of chocolate coins!  My Lego boy totally in Lego heaven.

Except the Daddy felt bad for this little guy since the treasure chest only held goodies for the older three.  So he slipped out and bought an extra surprise mini-figure for him from the hotel’s gift store.  As well as another one for himself.  (Of course).

Four kiddos happy with their mini-figures.

And the biggest kid of all.  (See that little hand in the bottom right?  That would be my baby photo-bombing me.)

Because that’s apparently his thing now.

No one objected to hot chocolate before bed, even though it wasn’t even a little bit cold that night.

Tucked into the kids’ sleeping area.

More to come…

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