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Legoland, Day Two

The next morning…

These little critters found their way onto our bed.

They sure are pesky sometimes, but I think we’ll keep ’em.

Mikey took this one.

And while Mikey was taking that one, the peskiest one of all found a chocolate coin, managed to quietly get it free from the foil wrapper, and was happily breaking his fast.

We managed to pull ourselves together by mid-morning-ish, joined forces once again with our compadres, and set out to spend the day here.

To look at these (awww, the wittle baby!)…

and these…

and these.  Only they were hot and were sitting downwind of something unacceptable to their noses.  I think it was a woodpile covered with pelican doo that we had just walked past.  Lovely.

I did mention it was hot, didn’t I?

Trying to stay cool by any means necessary.

So why stop at just the hat?

Even the lions were hot and sick of it all.

So we decided it was time to hop on the safari tram and catch a little man-made misty breeze.

It worked for some of us.

Even the animals did what they could to stay cool.

Still beautiful though.

After the tram ride, it was back to finding ways to stay cool.

Lauren took this one just after she needed a bathroom break.  And right after this picture is when Mikey started going downhill fast from the heat and Phil decided we needed to cut our day short in order to go back and toss him into the hotel pool.  So we parted ways with the four Js who went on to finish the day at the zoo.

Plus we had a pesky baby who by now was stripped down to just a diaper and shoes.

Thankfully we got the boy cooled down and feeling much better.

While the other peskys actually started getting cold in the pool.  Make up your mind, people!

Then it was time for dinner with this cutie pie’s family.

Happily, the wait wasn’t very long for a table for 10.

After dinner, we decided to have low-key fun playing in the hotel.

Which of course, to the kids means…

Then there was this business, too.

Back in the lobby.

In the lobby’s play area.  Man, these Lego hotel people sure did it right for kids!

Then we had to say goodbye once again to my brother’s family (boo!) but had one last day to look forward to at Legoland (hooray!).

To be continued…

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