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Legoland, Day Three

The last day of our little Legoland getaway…

Apparently (apparently I say “apparently” a lot because now Allie’s been saying it a lot too) Jonah was done with pictures.

Allie wanted a shot with her daddy.  And this Lego pilot guy.  I have a feeling I’m supposed to know who he is.

This was number 1 on Mikey’s list of things he didn’t want to miss before leaving Legoland.

This guy could’ve stayed here all day doing this if we let him.

Racers, are you ready?

And they’re off!

Making sure we got on some more rides was tops on Allie’s list for this last day.

Her daddy wanted to go on this one with her since I went with her the first day.

He wanted the full experience.  It seems the guy in front of them did, too.

Every single time we’ve come to Legoland, without fail we’ve had at least one kid not big enough to ride much of anything.

So we had to do what we could to keep him entertained while waiting and missing out.

Except this was one of the very few he COULD ride so they all joined him.  And because there weren’t hardly any people waiting for this one, the operator let them stay on it three times!

The boys loved looking at all the Star Wars scenes.

She did, too!

Since the older two got their caricatures done the last time we were here, I wanted the younger two done this time.

Except she didn’t realize how long she’d have to sit there.

And this guy wouldn’t give up a smile for anything.

Then this happened.

Which is the only time he cracked a smile.

Then I had to resort to this to keep him from scampering off.

But we did love the final results!

Then everyone felt ready to go after they each picked out a souvenir.

Thanks for the memories, Legoland!  Until next time… (when hopefully they are all big enough to ride everything… and still want to…)

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