old blog

Thank You

My sweet friend Lorie has continued to remember each of our kids’ birthdays and always manages to send them their very own package in the mail to enjoy opening.  It’s quite an exciting event around here whenever a package from Auntie Lorie arrives at our doorstep.

Just so thrilling as a kid to see your own name on a package and know there’s a present inside especially for you.  Auntie Lorie is so good about these things!

Package opening day always draws spectators.

Not only is the outer package neatly wrapped, but the present inside is always wrapped in fun wrapping paper, too.  Non-Christmas wrapping paper, even!  Along with a hand-written birthday message from the whole Schnell clan, too.  Boy, I tell ya, she’s really, really good.

This one just made his day.

He was a wee bit excited.

I take that back.  He was completely, totally, teeth-grindingly excited.

He disappeared to go build his new Ninjago car.  A little while later, he came and asked me to take his picture with this sign he’d made.  He asked me to send it right away so you’d know how much he loves his gift.  I’m very sorry this is so belated!  He would be chagrined to know it took me this long to show you this picture.  🙁

A couple months later, another special package arrived at our door!

Which, like I said, always draws spectators.

Sometimes it’s a little tricky getting past the packing tape.

That’s when the spectators are happy to jump in and lend a helping hand.

See?  Wrapped in adorable pink Hello Kitty paper which is a far cry from the red and green striped paper I still try to pass off as good for year-round use.

This one contained an assortment of Lauren’s current favorite things.

Very handy to have a big sis to read you the birthday greeting.

Mikey, equal parts mystified and amazed, asked me how Auntie Lorie always knows exactly what they like to play with.

I just answered that Auntie Lorie and her family are one of God’s extra special blessings to us.

Thank you, Schnells.  Thank you for loving on our kids in this way, and most especially for your faithful friendship all these years.  We love you guys!

PS- And a very happy birthday to you, dear friend!

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One Comment

  • Lorie

    Awwww….what a FANTASTIC birthday treat for me to see all of their happy faces! Thank you for the special post, dear friend. I love it! We need to get on each other's calendars for a long-overdue family reunion, don't you think?! Tell Mikey I LOVED his thank you card! His huge smiles make my heart melt. And Lauren…I adore the last picture of her…what a cutie! Miss you all!

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