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School Festivities

The morning of Halloween, I woke when it was still very dark outside, took a deep breath, and asked God for the strength to get through this day.

It all began with Lauren’s class starting earlier in the day than their normal start time.  And none of the kids could be convinced to buy school lunch that day (am I the only mom trying to coax her kids to buy lunch once in a dang while??).  Add in homework folders and costumes and someone’s library book for library day and a carved pumpkin all having to accompany us to school half an hour earlier than our usual mad dash out the door in the mornings.

And that was just the first ninety minutes of the day.

We had to go back to school at the exact time Jonah usually goes down for his nap.  Witness his face.  That face, accompanied by a loudly persistent whine, was his immediate response any time I had to set him down for the whole two and a half hour school “volunteering” I was attempting to do.  But!  We made it to see Lauren walking with her class for their costume parade!  I couldn’t miss this.

Then back to her classroom for cupcakes and juice.  Where Jonah loudly whined about not getting one to eat too.

Big sis saved the day though when she gave her Oreo cookie to him and then set him up with some of her lunch.

Made a cracker sandwich for him.  This boy has it good, I tell ya.

And the highlight of his no-nap day was when we got to join bigger sister’s class for part of their recess time.

Then we (Lauren whose class had a minimum day, Jonah and I) went to visit Allie’s class to see a bit of their classroom party.

Before we had to dash over to Mikey’s class to help him get in to his costume and grab a quick picture with his teacher…

Before dashing back over to get a quick picture with her teacher before she left for the day (because I forgot to do it earlier)…

And then returning to Allie’s class in time to see their mummy wrapping contest.  And also realizing that in all this running back and forth, I managed to miss both the older kids’ costume parades.  Nice.

At least we got to see this part.  The kids loved this activity.

This one kid brought in a unicorn head as his costume and wore it the whole time they were mummyfying him.  Hilarious.

And then this guy began to see the fun there is to be had in a roll of toilet paper.

Oh no.  I am now very, very afraid of his new discovery.

Jumping right in with the big kids.

This group had a couple extra “helpers”.

Another highlight of his day.  So thankful for my older kiddos who both understood that Mommy had to go back and forth between their classrooms in order to see everyone and who were just glad I could be there even for parts of it.

And then it was time to collect everyone mid-party so that we could end up…

Here.  At the dentist.  On Halloween.

Mother of the Year, right here.  :p

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