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Fall Festival

Immediately after the dentist, it was time to get back home and get everyone redressed into costumes and ready for the fall festival at church.  This was the highlight of the whole day for the kids and they’d been looking forward to it ever since October 1.  How do I know this?  Because Mikey would ask me since the day it turned from September into October how many more days until fall festival.  He would ask me every single day.  And every single day, I would have him subtract 31 from whatever day it was to find out.  And yet, he would still ask again the next day.

S l o w l y losing my marbles.

I had exactly four minutes to get some pictures of them in their costumes before it was time to head over to church.

Someday, when I find my marbles, I will allot more time for All The Things.

My little Merida in her two sizes too big Merida shoes.  Turns out “one size fits all” actually does not.

Merida is not Merida  (or “Medida” as Lauren used to call her when she was ‘little’. As in when she was four.) without her trusty bow and arrows!

The black ninja with the blue school shoes.  Those ninja stars?  His mom stayed up the night before to watch Youtube videos in order to learn how to fold those for him.

Action shot.

My princess Jasmine.

I’m glad she still loves her princesses.  It will be a sad day when she decides it’s time to leave them behind.

Her mom’s two-minute version of Jasmine hair.

And then it was definitely time to go so the kids piled into the car, I threw Jonah along with a last minute costume for him into his seat and we were off!

This is as good as it got this year, folks.

A friend lent us an Elmo costume and we had a monkey costume but he decided both were too hot (he was right) and so we went with this little number.  This was Mikey’s costume way back when he was two.  Seven years ago.

Here’s a quick trip back in time…

Back when Phil wore green scrubs to the hospital as a third year med student and back when that bear in his hand accompanied Mikey everywhere.  He (Mikey, not Phil) still sleeps with that bear every night.

Oh my, I just made myself a little sad now!

Quick! What movie is this from? ——–> I never look back darling, it distracts from the NOW.

Okay so back to the now…

I wouldn’t mess with this Doctor in Training.

‘Cuz he’s got a mean kidney punch.

Hooray!  Daddy was finally able to join us!  And Daddy wouldn’t be Daddy unless he had a costume on too.  He pulled out a fifteen year old bball jersey that morning and took it with him so that he’d have it to change into when he got off work.  In case you couldn’t tell, he came as Chris Mullin this year.

Listening to story time and the gospel message.

So not doing a good job listening.

Man, whose kid is that?  Better regulate, Chris Mullin!  (Note that I was sitting away in the far back so as to not be associated with this little slice o’ crazy).

He was all about playing the games this year.

Some might say he got a rather unfair advantage at some of the games.  Some would be right.

David faced the giant and put a stone in his sling.  His aim was true…

And he hit the giant right in the forehead, er, chin in this reenactment.

Then she excitedly showed me this.

Then he asked if he could go try and win a fish, too.

And this is the best I could do to look excited over our two new pets.

That was before he won this.  I know you’re scared, little fishy.  I am, too.

And lastly, this.

That was about when I sank into a chair and getting up again wasn’t happening any time soon.  So I asked big brother to take little brother around to play some more games.  He was happy to oblige.  Thankful for him.

And then we gathered ourselves and our four new fish pets and headed home after a very fun but long day.  Got the kids into bed when finally…

It was time for Mommy’s long-awaited treat(s).

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