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Date Night

Whenever an opportunity to go out by ourselves presents itself, our answer is always YES.  Doesn’t matter if it’s just a quick lunch date, or errand running together, or catching a movie, or a whole weekend away, the answer is always YES.

For this I am so grateful.  Because to be able to go out together means that we still enjoy each other’s company enough to want to be alone together.  It means that someone special is willing to care for our kids while we are gone.  It means we have enough to be able to enjoy a meal or activity together.  It means our marriage is still an important priority to us even after four kids and hectic schedules and sometimes overwhelming tiredness.

That’s why our answer is always YES and why I will always love the time we get to spend together.

I left my camera at home since I just wanted to relax and enjoy our most recent night out.  But still ended up taking pictures with my phone anyway.  Something feels a bit off if I’m not taking pictures and I think Phil even feels it too.  So we had fun taking silly pictures of ourselves even if the quality of the photos weren’t the best.

And I think that’s what matters most in the end.

Phil’s pick for the evening.

Per the menu- Baked imported brie cheese with arugula, pecans, cranberries and champagne vinaigrette.  We both really liked this even though Phil’s usually not a big brie cheese fan.

Can’t go to a French restaurant without ordering escargot.  At least according to Phil.

I braved the world of baked snails and powered down two before the realization of what I was eating sunk in.  Once the ick factor got to me, I could go no further so the remaining four were all for Phil.

The server had brought out a little sample of olives with grated parmesan cheese in these teeny tiny little bowls.  So of course we spent the rest of our meal pretending that everything we ordered came in teeny tiny little bowls. 

What?  Isn’t this what normal, middle-aged (gasp!) adults out on a date night do?

But to be fair to Dominique’s Kitchen (since we really enjoyed the food and service at this restaurant), here’s Phil’s real dinner plate.   Wild Boston sea scallops with crushed potatoes, shallots, parsley, garlic, lobster reduction au jus.

And mine- Slow braised beef short ribs with pinot noir, tomato, onion, garlic, vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes. Although I think I would go with the lamb next time.

And the light and lovely dessert- Panna cotta with berry compote.

An evening spent over delightful food and company, laughing and being silly together.  What a blessing it is to be married to my best friend.  Thank you Lord for sustaining our marriage, for growing and maturing us together, and for giving us these refreshing times to enjoy with each other.  You are so good to us.

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