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A very happy byproduct of regular visits to the library is that Jonah now adores books.  He’ll often run to one of us with a book in hand and eagerly ask, “wee? wee? WEEEEEE?!” (Translation, “read? read? REEEEEAAD?!”)  That last, insistent request is a bit louder because we sometimes are not as quick to DEAR (remember “Drop Everything And Read”?) as he’d like.  Because sometimes we are in the middle of making dinner when the request is made.  Or in the bathroom.  Or currently operating a motor vehicle.  Sometimes DEAR-ing is not that feasible.  Or safe.

But it’s endearing and really cute all the same.

Blurry, but I love this one.

Taking a quick Lego break.  Because he must be just like his big brother in all possible ways even when he’s away at school.

Daddy’s reward for reading to the Jone bones.

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