old blog

Oh Christmas Tree

And then it was time to decorate the tree.  Not as early as we usually do it, but still well before Christmas, so I considered us golden.


This “four kids sitting on our tree” picture appears to be turning into a thing for us.




He tried to be more helpful this year with actually hanging the ornaments on the tree instead of just chucking them into the tree.  He did however, resort back to chucking method if it kept falling off.  Which is why I only gave him non-glass ones to hang up.













With so many helping hands, we got the job done in no time.  And they did such a nice job that neither Phil or I felt the need to go back and redistribute some of the ornaments.  Either that, or we were just too tired to care.  Or maybe it was a little of both.




This year, Lauren got to hang the star on the tree.


With a little help from her daddy.



Good job, team!




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