old blog

The Mustang

So after driving our Forester for twelve years, the husband went and got himself a shiny new car last month.  We’re hanging on to the Forester for the time being- that faithful old car has been with us since very nearly the beginning of our married life together and has seen us through quite a lot.

Most notably, the birth of each of our kids.

All four were born in different hospitals, delivered by different doctors, in two different states, and went home in different infant car seats.  The only thing that’s been the same (aside from having the same mom and dad, not a small thing in itself I suppose) has been the little gray Forester that Phil and I would get into on our way to the hospital and that brought each new little one home.

So no, we haven’t said goodbye to it just yet.

But we did say hello to a new car in the driveway.

For as hard and as faithfully as this dear man has worked to provide for our family, I’m just really happy he’s now able to do something nice for himself.  That I get to tool around town in the seat next to him is the icing on the cake.

As for the kids?

They each think Daddy’s new ride is pretty cool. (Daddy took her to dance class in his new ride).

Especially when the top’s down.

So when he says, “hey, wanna go for a ride?”

The answer is pretty much always yes.  Especially when there are built-in babysitters (Phil’s mom and brother who stayed with us over Christmas) at the house.

We slipped out for a bit on Christmas day just us two.  Plus the Mustang.

Oh and he had ten days of vacation which always brings that smile back.

Cannot ever get the goofy outta this guy.

As close to normal as I’m gonna get.

Thinking deep thoughts.

Or maybe just wondering when I’ll be done so he can jump back in to that car.

Happy for you, honey.  Love you.

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