The Class Parties
And then it was the last day of school before winter break. Thankfully, Phil’s vacation had started that day, so he was able to come see the kids do their class parties, too.
Lauren’s class was our first stop.
Then we dropped by Mikey’s class as just as they were doing their gift book exchange. Careful deliberation…
Before settling on the chevron striped one.
And then we popped over to Allie’s class just as they were finishing cookie decorating.
Little brother looooves visiting the kids’ classrooms. Why? Because he only comes to visit on class party days so he thinks this is what they do every day they’re at school. I foresee a bit of a letdown in his future…
Plus he gets all the extra leftover goodies.
Getting ready for their gift book exchange. (I had run back over to Mikey’s class to see him again, but they were watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas and he was fine with me leaving again when I asked him).
They played a fun little game first where they had to pass their gift to the left every time the teacher said “Santa” as she read aloud.
Meanwhile, Phil had gone over to see the rest of Lauren’s party and bring her and her cute lil reindeer over once her party was done.
From her class book exchange.
She got what ended up being the most wanted book in her class. Her classmates kept asking her if she wanted to trade but she held on tight to that one.
Oddly enough? My usually-always-into-crafts-and-making-things girl is not at all interested in making rainbow loom bracelets. Odder still? Mikey totally is. Go figure. Cuz this one’s got me stumped.