Christmas Eve
And before we knew it, Christmas Eve was upon us.
His look pretty much says it all.
My sweet boy.
My sweet girl.
Okay, the others are sweet too, but this boy wanted to get this show on the road. (We let them open their stockings on Christmas Eve).
Discovering the joy of red envelopes. Especially when they’re from Ah-ma.
Daddy was in charge of stockings. Looks like he didn’t disappoint.
M, A, and J each got a minion.
“IT’S SO FLUFFY I COULD DIIIIIIIIIE!!!” (She got the fluffy unicorn in case you couldn’t tell).
Then we tucked the little critters into bed and because Ah-ma and Uncle Richard were staying with us over Christmas, Phil and I slipped out afterward to attend the Christmas Eve service at church. This was the very first year we’ve been able to go since it’s held at 11 pm. Such a blessing to be able to step away from the busyness, to refocus our hearts on the true meaning of Christmas, to dwell on Emanuel God With Us, and in the quiet be so thankful for this precious baby who was born to die so that we could have eternal life with Him. My cup overflows. Thank you, Jesus.