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The Aquarium

One last outing before Ah-ma and Uncle Richard had to leave.  To the aquarium!

The only one of our kids who isn’t afraid of mascots.  Okay, maybe the older two aren’t scared of them anymore, but they still couldn’t be convinced to get in this picture.

This boy loves the touch pools.

Not so much to touch the sea creatures, but for the sheer fun of splashing around.

‘Sup, fish?

This is about when Phil said he had a sudden craving for sushi.  He always gets a sudden sushi craving when we’re at the aquarium.  Wonder why that is?

The jellies!

Truth be told, this picture and the one of above it are upside down.  The jellies were actually floating down, not up, but that seemed, well, upside down to me so I flipped it.  Don’t jellyfish float up?  Why were all these guys headed down?  Burning questions and no answers.

These jellies too.  Swimming downward.

Mikey asked if we could take a selfie.  This is the best one can get with short arms.  And I think he’s giving me bunny ears.  How does he even know what a selfie is, anyway?

Happy campers because Ah-ma bought them all souvenirs.

Sometimes you just want to do this when you have an ornery two-year-old in the house.

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