old blog

New Year’s Day

I didn’t make it til midnight this last new year’s eve. It was the first one since I was maybe nine.  That’s a lot of new years’ eves. And I didn’t give a hoot. Which was very unlike me. Just too tired. Which, unfortunately, is very like me lately.

But, we did get to celebrate “East Coast New Year” at 9 pm with friends from church which was just as good, when one reaches a certain age.

Anywho, it was a fun evening, we got the kids to bed at a decentish time and we got a full nights’ sleep.

Worth it.

And in the morning, I came downstairs to find…

my boys cuddled together on the couch, poring over their new brother book.

Over the “look how little you were” pictures.

And the silly faces we made pictures.

And the “I remember when we went there” pictures.

And the laughing together over the last few crazy face pictures.

And whatever it was he said that really meant, “You’re sometimes pretty pesky, but I’m so glad to have you as my brother.”

And his shooting his finger gun at his big brother which really meant, “I feel the same, bro.”

And the silly faces that never end with this one.

Yes. I’ll take all of it.

So anyway.

From all of us to you…


(It’s still newish enough, isn’t it?)

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