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The Drive-In

We recently had a free Friday evening in front of us. We tossed around a few ideas. We vetoed some. We considered our remaining options. We ended up here…

At the drive-in. With not a small amount of rearranging and moving of booster seats, car seats, and folding down the back row, and despairing at the amount of trash we found under there, and getting a little cranky with one another (the parents), and distributing food (Jack-in-the-Box), and spilling a drink, and kicking off shoes, and trying to find a comfy spot, and snuggling down, and we were finally ready.

For our second viewing of this new favorite movie (of the girls’).

And although we never were able to get the radio station without a lot of static, which left Phil wondering aloud if it was really worth driving an hour in traffic, pulling apart our van, listening to the opposite of Dolby digital surround sound, to watch a movie we had already watched and could’ve watched again at the theater not five minutes from our house, and to entirely miss the second feature because it was getting late and kids were getting tired…

It still made a fun memory for our kids who thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

So yes, it was still worth it.

But it’s probably going to be an uphill battle trying to convince the poor man to do it again any time soon. :p

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