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A Painting Kind of Day

The kids had a day off from school last month. Teacher in-service day.  “Mommy, what should we do today?” The question came while my eyes were still closed as I lay snug in my bed reveling in the idea of a morning to sleep in a bit longer than usual.

Except that my kids are not so good with the sleeping in idea.  If anything, they seem to wake up earlier on non-school days.  Someone please explain to me why this is.

But, it was another beautiful day out and it seemed a shame to be stuck inside when we didn’t really have to be.

So, we headed out!  Right outside the front door.

To paint.

Still counts as outside, doesn’t it?  At least no one here objected.

Duck lip alert.

“Mommy, can you take a picture of me with my painting?” Happy to oblige.

He took inspiration from the plant behind him. Very refreshing change from the alien battles he normally paints.

My instructions to dip only once into one color before painting seems to have been understood by him to dip once into each color before painting. And look, it only took me four kids to not be bothered by this!

Of course that meant his masterpieces all looked kinda like this.

Artists at work.

Love this girl.

Intent eyes.

Her first (see the 1 in the top left corner there?) of many masterpieces inspired by “Frozen”.

Love this girl.

His first time painting like the big kids. He loved it. Aside from mommy making him wear this smock.

The feet of an artiste.

Hmm, maybe I could get them to paint their playroom walls next.

Siblings conferring.

My sweet baby hard at work.

On this. I think we shall call this one, “Rage Against the Machine”.

“Thanks for letting me paint, Mom!”

There was definitely a “Frozen” theme here. Along with alien invasion battle scenes.

An altogether delightful way to spend an afternoon at home. I love days like this. Aside from the setting up/cleaning up/putting away required of me.

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