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Disneyland, part 3

We’re baaaaaack!

Good morning, sleepyhead.

The kids were so looking forward to staying in the Disneyland hotel again. Mostly because they get to watch morning cartoons as soon as they wake up. And because they think Phinneas and Ferb is only shown in the Disneyland hotel. (Shhh, don’t tell them they could actually watch it at home, too).

And because jumping on the beds is allowed here.

Also the “all fall down” part.

The “fast asleep” part wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. We had a full day ahead!

Except they didn’t seem to be in any sort of a hurry.

In the least.

Far too much relaxing going on here.

We have yet to take advantage of the park opening an hour early for hotel guests. It is a dream that WILL someday come true. This time though, we were our usual late selves going into the Magic Kingdom on the Sunday of a three-day Presidents’ weekend.

Do I have to say it was crowded?


The Buzz Lightyear ride kept breaking down so we spent quite a bit of time looking at him. Still, we managed to get on three times. It’s what happens when most of your kids don’t want to ride any of the bigger, funner rides. But whatever man. Baby steps.

There was also quite a bit of time spent in line looking at this fellow.

Further evidence that a new day has come for us? Mikey drove the car while I took this picture.

This one, too.

Not bad son, not bad at all. Though I think I’ll still let your dad teach you how to drive a real car when the time comes.

Daddy was brave and let Jonah do the steering in their car. Then Allie drove us girls for our next go-around. And now I’m good to not ride Autopia for another full year.

The last Disney post will be coming soon…

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