Disneyland, part 4
And the last of our little Disney getaway…
This is little brother giving big brother a kiss for the piggyback ride when he got tired of walking.
This is an interactive dining table in the “home of the future”. Kinda just looks like giant ipads built into the table. Imagine the spilled milk and crumbs jammed into all those crevices. Course they all loved it though.
This is Mikey firing a cannon right at his dad during storytime in the boys’ bedroom.
Now he wants this giant cannon in his room. Thanks, Disney.
This endlessly fascinating giant ball rolling on water is a kid magnet.
This is four kids taking a break from the crowds and waiting for the train to arrive.
This. I don’t even know what to say about this one.
This is his “not impressed” face. (When I told him to stop climbing that fence).
This is the bucket of popcorn their dad bought for them for TWELVE DOLLARS. Because, he said, spending four dollars on the same amount of popcorn in a paper bag would have been the true ripoff.
This is a small boy waiting for fireworks with lollipop in hand. (Okay, I let them have ONE valentine treat per day because it’s Disneyland and good things like Phinneas and Ferb and candy happen ONLY at Disneyland. Ha ha.)
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… TINKERBELL!
Cinderella’s castle at night.
We didn’t have it in us to wait the 3+ hours to meet Elsa and Anna, but we did come after hours to let them see the front door. Because you know, parents of the year, right here.
Just enough gas left for one more ride on the merry-go-round.
And one last try to get that sword out of the stone…
Before it was time to say goodbye to another memorable Disney weekend.
Thanks for reliving the weekend with us! 🙂