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The Garden Show

AHHHHHHH!!! That’s where I’ve been lately. It’s birthday season in our house. It’s also birthday party year this year. Could likely be why my neck and shoulder have been strained and refuse to turn or lift without pain for the last four weeks.

The good news is we are almost to the end of birthday season and the back half of the birthdays are way less intense than the first half. I see the light at the end of the tunnel, baby!

And the best news of all? It’s Easter weekend! So thankful for time to step away from the busyness and reflect on the significance of Jesus coming to die on a cross for a sinner such as I. A beautiful, stunning truth that brings everything else into perspective and puts it all in its place. Inspired again to focus on the things that really matter for eternity and let go of the rest. And trying to teach that to our kids as well.

Hope your Easter weekend is wonderful.

And now, I must do what I often do here- rewind a bit in the never ending effort of trying to catch up. So you’ll see our Easter happenings sometime around Mother’s Day. Ha ha.

Allie’s class at school had their spring performance called the “The Garden Show”, last month just before birthday season hit.

They had two showings, one for the whole school, and one for parents the next day. The parent one tends to be pretty intense with everyone pushing forward to take pictures and videos, so I figured Lauren and Jonah had a better chance of actually seeing the show if we went to both. And since we’re there every morning waiting for 45 minutes between the older kids’ drop off time and Lauren’s class start time, we were the first ones to arrive.

The peanut gallery was getting a little antsy.

Thankfully, it wasn’t too long before the show was underway with an alien invasion!

And there’s our little flower right in the middle!

Each of us is a flower, growing in life’s garden…”

Guess who was able to join us for the show the next day?

A closer up shot of Allie taken by another parent.

Allie wondered aloud to me before school if her daddy would bring her flowers like he did last year. Wonder indeed, little daughter of his.

Super cute group shot of the flowers taken by another parent.

Ever the big sister as she led little brother to her “cast party” in their classroom. Seriously this boy has a rude awakening in store over what school is really like.

SO thankful for the sweet friends she’s made this year. No drama, just good times. It’s what second grade should be.

This girl. Love her so.

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