
Arizona, Day 1

Playing catchup as always…


We took the kids for a short vacation to Arizona for a few days during their spring break. Everyone’s been working hard this year (maybe not Jonah so much) so this was a well-deserved time to rest, recreate, and enjoy time together as a family.


DSC_3876First order of business.











DSC_3840Yes, I was actually there too. 😉



DSC_3787Could only pull the kids out of the pool long enough to eat lunch before they all jumped right back in. Lunch was hot dogs, pb&j sandwiches, fruit, and leftover chocolate milk from McDonalds. Because we are fancy people.



DSC_3911Their daddy never ceases to make me laugh because one minute he’s sweet girl daddy…



DSC_3917And the next minute, he becomes a double water cannon detonator.






DSC_3922This is about when the girls decided to vacate the pool.



DSC_3889And steer clear of the boys’ shenanigans.



DSC_3983These shenanigans.



DSC_4005So while the boys were doing this…



DSC_4010And this…



DSC_4018And this,



DSC_3946She decided to take a break and sit next to me awhile.



DSC_3961And do a little goggle cleaning.



DSC_3962Hmm, not sure she got all the smudges though.



DSC_4028Silly girl.



DSC_4029Last one out of the pool.



DSC_3861But he still made it in time for the Wreck-it Ralph break.



DSC_4057Then it was time to get dinner.



DSC_4059At Portillo’s.



DSC_4067Then baths…



DSC_4071And bed.



DSC_4075Nighty-night, sleep tight!


More to come soon.

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