
Arizona, Day 3

All too soon, it was time to pack up and make the long drive back home.


DSC_4176But not before getting in one last cuddle and fake sleep out by the pool.



DSC_4181And one last “mommy barely made it in” picture with the 3-second timer. It was definitely time to go at this point though as the cleaning people were waiting out front for us to vacate the premises.



DSC_4234But Daddy had a few surprise stops in store for us before we actually started the long drive home.



DSC_4216The first stop was this mini train museum.



DSC_4197We were pretty sure this guy would enjoy seeing all the trains.



DSC_4241But it turned out we all rather enjoyed ourselves.



DSC_4244Although she required being toted around for much of the time.



DSC_4252How come ordinary things in miniature are just so fascinatingly cute?









DSC_4282They were totally over posing for pictures by this point. Not their dad though.



DSC_4286Thankfully there was a whole outside area where we could let em loose and run amok. Running amok is what my four monkeys do best.



DSC_4299Also there was this human size mini train that ran around the whole border of the park. See my big boy? He has issues with looking directly at the camera and smiling a not-cheese smile even though I never tell him to say “cheese”. Chandler’s engagement photo session comes to mind here. Know what I’m talking about? No?



DSC_4307He’s my one who makes me have to work for a real smile. But when he does, it’s oh so worth it.



DSC_4310This my little girl. Love her.



DSC_4325One go around the merry-go-round.



DSC_4364And one last bit of monkey business.



DSC_4382Before it was on to lunch and then cupcakes from this cute little cupcake shop. Because incidentally, this was also my birthday.



DSC_4389Mmm, mmm good.



DSC_4400Then when Phil realized it’d be near eleven pm when we finally made it home did he declare it high time we hit the road.



DSC_4423This picture is precisely why I choose to take pictures over video. Because, my friends, while pictures may speak a thousand words, they actually are completely SILENT. Unlike the live version of this boy right here.



DSC_4431But at least I could look out the window and imagine myself a bird so I could fly far, far away from here. Know what I’m talking about? No?


And that, according to the kids, goes down in the books as our favorite vacation to date.

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