

There have been a few things happening around here lately.


Old door.
Out with the old.



Sneak peek at the new one.
Sneak peek at the new.



New door! (Three months later and we still have yet to decide on the paint color for it). We like GRADUAL change around here. Ahem.
In with the new! (Three months later and we still have yet to decide on the paint color for it). We like GRADUAL change around here. Ahem.



Out with the old.
Out with the old.



Pleeeease let me out of baby jail!
Pleeeease let me out of baby jail!



In with the new. He looks so teeny in that giant twin size bed.
In with the new. He looks so teeny in that giant twin size bed. I was a bit concerned about this boy’s new freedom with this bed and thought it might mean the end of his naps. Thankfully, I needn’t have worried at all since he took right to it from his very first nap and has been so good about staying in bed until I come to get him. Turns out he was more than ready to move out of his crib. Which by the way, is the first time in ten years that we’ve not needed a crib in the house. This is big, folks. This means the end of my decade-long run of diaper changing is next. Which also means I have to potty train this boy this summer. *Gulp.* Prayers appreciated.



Out with the old.
Out with the old.



The new is still a work in progress. Stay tuned for BIG changes in the backyard.
The new is still a work in progress. Stay tuned for BIG changes in the backyard.



After two years here, it appears that we are slowly making it our own.
After two years here, it appears that we are slowly making it our own.


Grateful to call this place home and for the loved ones running amok inside.

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