
Hello Old Friends

“Are you ready for a Fermin Invasion?” came the Facebook message.

The answer was an emphatic YES.

And just like that, dear old friends from Minnesota med school days came to stay overnight with us. It was too brief, and Phil (of course) was on call that night, but delightfully refreshing to catch up and laugh over old memories while making new ones.


It has been four years since we've last seen each other and in that time, the Fermins added their little girl and we added our little guy. And all's I gotta say about that is, MAN that is a lot of kids.
It has been four years since we’ve last seen each other and in that time, the Fermins added their little girl and we added our little guy. And all’s I gotta say about that is, MAN that is a lot of kids. Something about being faithful to the fruitful multiplication command?



A quick ride on the mini carousel in the sketchy arcade.
A quick ride on the mini carousel in the sketchy arcade.



See this guy? The day before, he and his sister were doing flying leaps out of our van while waiting at school for their older siblings to be released. He got tangled up in his yellow blankie (which he insists on bringing everywhere with him even though the rule is to leave it at home on his bed- the perks of being #4 and often slipping under the radar) and ended up breaking his fall onto the sidewalk WITH HIS FACE.
See this guy? The day before, he and his sister were doing flying leaps out of our van while waiting at school for their older siblings to be released. He got tangled up in his yellow blankie (which he insists on bringing everywhere with him even though the rule is to leave it at home on his bed- the perks of being #4 and often slipping under the radar) and ended up breaking his fall onto the sidewalk WITH HIS FACE.



Doing up her hair while waiting for lunch.
Doing up her hair while waiting for lunch.



Extra sweet to see our kids take right to playing so well with each other.
Extra sweet to see our kids take right to playing so well with each other.



Especially our firstborn sons. Cut from the same cloth, these two. Mikey wishes you could come back for another sleepover, L!
Especially our firstborn sons. Cut from the same cloth, these two. Mikey wishes you could come back for another sleepover, L!



And waaaay before we were ready, it was soon time to head back and get ready to say goodbye. :(
And waaaay before we were ready, it was soon time to head back and get ready to say goodbye. 🙁



Daddies and their babies.
Daddies and their babies.



Thanks Fermins for making the drive up to see us! We love you guys and hope to see you before another four years goes by!
Thanks Fermins for making the drive up to see us! We love you guys and hope to see you before another four years goes by!
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