

Easter this year was a quiet affair spent with loved ones at home.

First came a few quick snaps before heading off to church…


The boys need a little some work smiling normally. Exhibit A.
The boys need a little work smiling normally. Exhibit A.



Exhibit B.
Exhibit B.



The girls on the other hand? So. Much. Easier. Exhibit C.
The girls on the other hand? So. Much. Easier. Exhibit C.



Exhibit D. Also this looks to be the last time this girl wears this dress again.
Exhibit D. Also this looks to be the last time this girl wears this dress again.



My four monkeys.
My four monkeys.



We returned home after church and the kids were ready to jump right into the festivities.
We returned home after church and the kids were ready to jump right into the festivities.



Starting with a backyard Easter egg hunt.
Starting with a backyard Easter egg hunt.




With a staggered start. Meaning this guy got to a 10 second lead. During which time he just ran around with his bucket on his head having no clue what he was supposed to be doing. It was awesome.
With a staggered start. Meaning this guy got to a 10 second lead. During which time he just ran around with his bucket on his head with no clue what he was supposed to be doing. It was awesome.



He caught on soon enough though and the egg hunt was on!
He caught on soon enough though and the egg hunt was on!



Big brother was worried that little brother wasn't getting enough eggs in his basket, so he ran over to take care of the situation. Love that kid.
Big brother was worried that little brother wasn’t getting enough eggs in his basket, so he ran over to take care of the situation. Love that kid.



Conferring in the jungle. I mean backyard. No actually, I really mean jungle.
Conferring in the jungle. I mean backyard. No actually, I really mean jungle.



His mission to collect eggs was halted immediately upon discovering what was IN the eggs.
His mission to collect eggs was halted immediately upon discovering what was IN the eggs.



Soon all the eggs were collected (I hope) and the eating of their contents began.
Soon all the eggs were collected (I hope) and the eating of their contents began.



Then the party moved inside for egg dying time.
Then the party moved inside for egg dying time.



Pwetty, mommy!
Pwetty, mommy!



And look who came over to celebrate with us?
And look who came over to celebrate with us?



Guys grilling meat for dinner.
Guys grilling meat for dinner.



Oh! And did I mention it was also this guy's birthday?
Oh! And did I mention it was also this guy’s birthday?



We baked him a cake.
We baked him a cake.



He had some help blowing out his candles.
He had some help blowing out his candles.



Except his helper wasn't too keen on sharing the job.
Except his helper wasn’t too keen on sharing the job.



Happy birthday, honey! We love you!
Happy birthday, honey! We love you!

Thankful for this day to spend with friends and family. Thankful for this life. Thankful for the one to come. Thank you, Jesus.


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of change. -James 1:17

…but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

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