And in other Lauren news, guess who lost her first tooth (on April 28th)?
She ran upstairs in the early morning to excitedly announce that her tooth had finally come out. She had spent quite a few days wiggling it, with let’s go ahead and call it, energetic enthusiasm.
Though that was a good thing as her permanent tooth had already been growing in behind it. Was a bit unsettling to look in her mouth and see two teeth where there should really be only one.
Thank you Jesus for giving me the foresight to order a tooth pillow for her four years ago when buying them for her older siblings because You knew that would be the only way this third child would ever get one of her own. And further, thank You for not letting me forget to be the Tooth Fairy that night or else I’d have had quite a bit of ‘splainin’ to do.
But the thing she was most excited about and amazed by? Getting her very own Baby Tooth Album and wondering how the Tooth Fairy got her very first tooth in there with the date written and everything. (Good thing she doesn’t recognize Yours Truly’s handwriting yet).
It seems like just yesterday when Mikey lost his first tooth and it felt like such a milestone, and here we are already with our third child losing baby teeth. Can’t wrap my head around how quickly they’re growing up so all I can do is buckle up, savor the moments that are here today, and enjoy the ride.