
The Cherry Orchard (Part I)

We woke up one Saturday morning with the realization that we had the whole day in front of us with nothing scheduled.

I love those kind of days.


“Do you think the kids would want to try strawberry picking again or no?” he asked. Remembering what a less than stellar time we had the last time we tried this, we both paused.

“Weeeeell, what do you think about cherry picking instead?” I countered.


After locating a U-pick cherry orchard (two hours away), making sure they were going to be open, and reassuring each other that this was, in fact, going to be a good idea, we loaded up the family and headed out.
After locating a U-pick cherry orchard (two hours away), making sure they were going to be open, and reassuring each other that this was, in fact, going to be a good idea, we loaded up the family and headed out.



    And after we finally made it there, parked, and got out, we were greeted by this fellow moseying along down the sidewalk in front of our van. We very nearly loaded back in and hightailed it outta there.
And after we finally made it there, parked, and got out, we were greeted by this fellow moseying along down the sidewalk in front of our van. We very nearly loaded back in and hightailed it outta there.



But we decided to be brave and headed into the orchard.
But we decided to be brave and headed into the orchard.



And I'm very glad we did.
And I’m very glad we did.









This orchard said it was okay to sample the cherries as we picked.
This orchard said it was okay to sample the cherries as we picked.



Little did they know how liberally we'd take them up on the sampling.
Little did they know how liberally we’d take them up on the sampling.








He got a sour one.
He got a sour one.









    He took the job of smallest cherry picker very seriously.
He took the job of smallest cherry picker very seriously.



    Happily, the job came with some serious perks, like having three older sibs who made sure he got enough good ones to sample too. That's the look he gives his big brother. Because he loves him.
Happily, the job came with some serious perks, like having three older sibs who made sure he got enough good ones to sample too. That’s the look he gives his big brother. Because he loves him.






















Part II tomorrow. 🙂

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