
Summer’s here!

And then the last day of school was upon us!





Little brother was only too eager to go sit on the rug with the "big" kids.
Little brother was only too eager to go sit on the rug with the “big” kids.






This is when he was feeling sad over not getting an ice cream cup.
This is when he was feeling deep sadness over not getting an ice cream cup.



This is when the room mom saved the day. We love our room mom.
This is when the room mom saved the day. We love our room mom.



And this is when all was right with the world again.
And this is when all was right with the world again.



This is the crown she got for her summer birthday.
This is the crown she got for her summer birthday.



This is our Allie girl with some of her buddies.
This is our Allie girl with some of her buddies.




    So thankful for her sweet teacher this year. She loved the second grade thanks in large part to Ms. M.
So thankful for her sweet teacher this year. She loved the second grade thanks in large part to Ms. M.



Catching the tail end of Mikey's class party. This girl asked if she could be an honorary Tsai kid. Jonah was all for it.
Catching the tail end of Mikey’s class party. His classmate asked if she could be an honorary Tsai kid. Jonah was all for it.



Loving all the attention from his new sibling.
Loving all the attention from his new sibling.



End-of-the-year job-well-done surprises awaited them at home. Dress up dresses for the girls.
End-of-the-year job-well-done surprises awaited them at home. Dress up dresses for the girls.









And a Lego Movie set for him.
And a Lego Movie set for him.



I love to watch him play.
I love to watch him play.






Little brother loves to watch him play, too. While plotting how to get his hands on the new toys, too.
Little brother loves to watch him play, too. While plotting how to get his hands on the new toys, too.

Welcome, summer! How glad we are to see you!

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