
The Giants

Ah, what a wonderful month this has been. What a wonderful summer this has been. It has literally flown by and now the kids start school on Monday. Eeeek! And by “the kids”, I mean ALL OF THEM. Jonah and his need for speech therapy (a fourth child needs to be spoken directly to and needs to speak for himself rather than rely on his sibs to translate. Whodathunk?!) will be starting preschool three times a week for three and a half hours a day.

You guys.

This means for the first time in almost ten and a half years, I will have ALONE TIME for ten and a half hours a week.


Do you hear that?

It sounds like a choir of angels singing the hallelujah chorus.


I can hardly think what that will be like except that I might actually get around to doing their baby books! And finally get caught up on this blog! And sit in a quiet house just thinking thoughts BY MY LONE.

Yes, it’s definitely the hallelujah chorus.


But I’m sad, too. I’m not ready for these summer days to come to an end. I’ve loved (for the most part) having my kids home all day everyday. I’ve loved the stuff we’ve done, the talks we’ve had, the memories we’ve made, the items checked off unofficial summer bucket lists while simultaneously choosing to be okay with the things we didn’t get checked off.

And I’m most definitely not ready to make four lunches in the mornings and getting the kids up, fed, shuffled out the door, and delivered to two different schools ahead of the tardy bells. Gulp.

On the bright side though, I’ll get to relive all our summer memories here whilst enjoying my alone time. So there’s definitely that to look forward to.


And I’m starting off with Mikey’s foray into baseball! Which actually took place last spring, but ended in early June so it still counts. 😉


Our little #8 outfielder.
Our little #8 outfielder.



He remained hitless this whole season.
He remained hitless this whole season. (Though he once got a walk to first and ended up coming all the way home. That was exciting.)



And he doesn't believe me, but I am so proud of him anyway.
And he doesn’t believe me, but I am so proud of this kid.



Because he kept getting out there and trying with everyone watching him and knowing he wasn't a very strong player.
Because he kept getting out there and trying with everyone watching him and knowing he wasn’t a very strong player.



And I struggled with feeling guilty because he didn't get the years of playing and practice time because of our frequent moves and new babies added. And he struggled with getting frustrated with himself and upset over letting his team down.
And I struggled with feeling guilty because he didn’t get the years of playing and practice time because of our frequent moves and new babies added. And he struggled with getting frustrated with himself and upset over letting his team down.



But still, he kept showing up and trying and learning the whole season. He was a whole lot braver than I would be in this situation.
But still, he kept showing up and trying and learning the whole season. He was a whole lot braver than I would be in this situation.



And he got to experience being part of a team.
And he got to experience being part of a team.



And get a medal for participating.
And get a medal for participating.



So yes, I wish baseball would have come a little easier for him, but I'm proud of my boy for hanging in there even though it wasn't.
So yes, I wish baseball would have come a little easier for him, but I’m proud of my boy for hanging in there even though it wasn’t.



And I'm proud of these little siblings, too. For coming week after week to these baseball games to support their big brothers.
And I’m proud of these little siblings, too.



For coming week after week to these baseball games to support their big brothers.
For coming week after week to these baseball games to support their big brothers.



My sweet Allie, always such an encourager.
My sweet Allie, always such an encourager.



And guess who fell in love with baseball because of his big brother?
And guess who fell in love with baseball because of his big brother?



This guy right here.
This guy right here.



This one cracks me up.
This one cracks me up.



Admiring big bro's first official baseball portraits.
Admiring big bro’s first official baseball portraits.



A big reason he was willing to give baseball a try- two of his best buddies were also on the team.
A big reason he was willing to give baseball a try- two of his best buddies were also on the team. The after-game snacks weren’t too shabby, either.









Thanks Coach Steven!
Thanks Coach Steven!




I have no idea if Mikey will play again, but I am grateful for the experience he had for what may be his first and only season of baseball.  And that’s okay, too. 🙂

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