
One Lovely Blog Award



Just wanted to say thank you to Kim at for nominating me for “One Lovely Blog Award”. I’m so touched! Kim has just recently started writing her blog but her words and thoughts on life get me every time. Go check her out! Please. 🙂

Okay, so the next part of accepting this award is to share seven random facts about me. Here goes…

  1. I did a brief stint as an elementary school teacher before getting married and having kids. It might be the “brief stint” part talking here, but it turns out that I actually loved being in the classroom- setting it up, organizing things into neat little bins, hanging student work on colorful butcher paper lined with cute borders, ordering and sorting picture books, shopping in teacher stores, etc. more than I liked being around the actual children all day. (I think it mostly had to do with being held responsible for teaching them things when many of them came to school in no condition to be ready to learn. It was hard.)
  2. I moved around a lot as a kid. I think I went to something like 5 different schools just in my elementary years. And we weren’t even a military family! In all that moving around, I’ve lived in apartments, houses, a condo, and even three motels. My parents owned each one at different times so we lived in the manager’s unit. I never thought this was unusual until Phil informed me that that was kind of strange and interesting about me.
  3. I have always wanted to be 5’2″ tall. I stopped growing two inches short of my goal. And I hate not achieving my goals.
  4. 8 is my favorite number. Has been since I was 8. I automatically look for an 8 in any number that I’m given: new credit card number, food order number, confirmation number, etc. Each of my kids has an 8 in their birthdays. Except for Jonah. And I have the hardest time remembering his birthday because of it.
  5. My favorite foods tend to be Asian- Korean bbq, soondubu, sashimi/sushi, tempura, rice bowls, noodle bowls, juicy pork dumplings, dimsum, steamed whole fish, chicken korma, saag paneer. I love it all. Also, I love to cook. But I love eating out more. (Because of the not-having-to-wash-dishes afterward thing. When there are six of us eating a meal, the aftermath of dishes/pots/cups/utensils piled up on the table and in the sink can be quite the daunting sight to behold.
  6. I am an introvert who gets mistaken for an extrovert a lot.
  7. I was a bookworm in my childhood. I used to love getting lost in a story and reading for hours on end. Then I grew up, had babies, and went for years and years struggling to finish a single book. I would start one, get a chapter or few into it, then drop it, pick up another and do the same thing. I feared I had developed adult-onset ADD. Turns out it was mostly because I no longer had those hours on end to devote to getting in to a story. Now, however, all four of my kids are in school and for the first time in over ten years, I have ten and a half beautiful hours each week BY MY LONE. And the first thing I’ve done with my alone time? Read through two novels in four days. Turns out I still love to read. A good thing except that the laundry folding and other household duties are suffering mightily because of it.

Now, I’d like to pass it on and nominate some of my favorite bloggers for the “One Lovely Blog” award:

The rules of the “One Lovely Blog” Award are:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award (and link back to the person who nominated you) in your post.
  • Add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post, your blog or both.
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5-15 bloggers who you admire and consider “lovely.”  Let the nominees know they have been nominated by commenting on their blogs.
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