
Mommy’s Unoffical Mental Summer Bucket List

…the one that existed only in my head? Here was item number one, double starred:



Whereas I might* (*absolutely, definitely, most certainly would) have waited muuuuuch later to tackle my least favorite parenting task, this guy and his speech therapy needing self needed to conquer potty training before admittance into the preschool where said speech therapy would occur.

Suffice it to say that the summer was a long and pantless one. Moments of despair included for free. Brief, delusional glimpses of the light at the end of the tunnel. Tiny victories quickly followed by soul-crushing defeats.

Okay, okay, it wasn’t that bad (it kinda was).

But at least it didn’t stretch out into the abyss of forever and on June 25, 2014, I wrote this on Facebook:


It is with great joy (and a little fear and trembling and a dash of disbelief) that I happily announce

after a solid 10 years, 1 month, 2 weeks, and 3 days without a break, THE POOP HAS LANDED IN

THE POTTY. I repeat, THE POOP HAS LANDED IN THE POTTY. The boy has been able to keep

himself dry the last few days. Dare I say it? My diaper changing days have finally come to an end?!


I’ll spare you the pictorial proof of the poop in the potty (and yes, I did). You’re welcome.

Of course, that was followed by a number of weeks teetering on the brink of success only to be set back by another accident. This kid has had more accidents than the other three combined! Potty training a fourth child is definitely not for the faint of heart. Best check with your doctor before starting this type of rigorous endeavor.

Now that potty training is solidly behind us and daily diaper changing is quickly becoming a (not-yet) fond and (almost) distant memory, I feel that I should have some deep and pondersome words of wisdom to share. Or a poignant paragraph? A liberating limerick, at least?

But I got nothing, except this:


I’m out.

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