Mikey and Allie took part in a week-long summer science camp. Lauren realized too late that she wanted to take part in it, too. Next year, we told her. Not sure what we’re going to tell Jonah next year when all three go off and leave him behind. He’s not such a big fan of that.
Anyhow, the camp was located in the South Coast Botanic Garden. Fast becoming one of my favorite places to be. So when Lauren asked if we could just stay and hang out after we had dropped off the older two, I was happy to say yes. I let them choose where to go and we did a good bit of aimless wandering.
Sometimes aimless wandering is just what the doctor ordered.
We first found ourselves in the children’s garden. Jonah’s new thing? Closing his eyes for any and all pictures.
They just love this miniature house in this little garden.
And then they scampered off, completely uninterested in holding still for any more pictures.
So I had to make do with whatever drab subjects I could find around me.
Well, at least they were willing to hold still for a second or two.
I found myself being mesmerized by all the incredible detail God created into each flower.
That would be here today…
And gone tomorrow.
Such beauty in creation all around us for us to enjoy and to praise Him for.
Yep, definitely a good thing to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.
There’s even a sign to remind you should you ever forget. The Chocolate Daisies smelled incredible. Mmmm.
And if you’re a Tsai kid, you take it beyond just smelling them to trying them on as hats.
Not quite sure this is what they meant by “sensory garden”.
Jonah’s other thing? Sticking his tongue out every chance he gets. Charming.
This past summer was all about the potty for this boy. Something about this fountain reminded him of potties for some reason…
Trying to go for a walk but not liking all the yucky tree droppings smashed into the ground.
And when they were quite done with walking, she climbed into the stroller and he climbed right on top of her. She didn’t mind, though. They rode like this all the way back to the car.
Love the rare times I get to hang out with my littles. And I really love getting to see the world through their eyes. It’s a pretty awesome view.
And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? -Matthew 6:28-30