
Just Be

One of my favorite things to do as a mom is quietly watch my kids just be who God made them to be. Each with their own interests and hobbies and way of just enjoying time to themselves.


This boy can often be found with his nose in a book. Granted, it's usually a comic book. But I googled it just now and it turns out comics are good for a reader's brain. So now my mommy worry reflex can relax and just let him be. (Gotta mention that to Phil, too. Heh, if you ever wondered who the tiger parent is in our house...)
This boy can often be found with his nose in a book. Granted, it’s usually a comic book. But I googled it just now and it turns out comics are good for a reader’s brain. So now my mommy worry reflex can relax and just let him be. (Gotta mention that to Phil, too. Heh, if you ever wondered who the tiger parent is in our house…)



If not a book, then he's off building his latest Lego creation. I cannot imagine the day when Legos will no longer be a part of our everyday life, but I'm told someday it will come. So I'm embracing it today.
If not a book, then he’s off building his latest Lego creation. I cannot imagine the day when Legos will no longer be a part of our everyday life, but I’m told someday it will come. So I’m embracing it today.



And my girls... I am thankful that they share many of the same interests and enjoy doing them together. I love the closeness they share, even if they butt heads once in awhile and seek to stand out on their own, too.
And my girls… I am thankful that they share many of the same interests and enjoy doing them together. I love the closeness they share, even if they butt heads once in awhile and sometimes want to stand out on their own, too.



This one. Mommy's helper. She wakes up in the morning, gets herself dressed, then gets Jonah up, takes him to the bathroom, helps him wash his hands, then gets him dressed, all without my asking her to. School mornings would be so much rougher without her. Love her.
This one. Mommy’s helper. She wakes up in the morning, gets herself dressed, then gets Jonah up, takes him to the bathroom, helps him wash his hands, then gets him dressed, all without my asking her to. School mornings would be so much rougher without her. Love her.



This one likes to call herself "Mommy's mini." She is a little quieter. An observer. A noticer. My resident snuggler.
This one likes to call herself “Mommy’s mini.” She is a little quieter. An observer. A noticer. My resident snuggler. She has been loving kindergarten this year but still has me give her a kiss in each of her palms where she saves them the whole time she’s at school.



Love her.
Love her.



Then I love when they reconvene and create their own imaginary play world.
Then I love when they reconvene and create their own imaginary play world.



Course then there's always this boy. An entity entirely unto himself.
Course then there’s always this boy. An entity entirely unto himself.

They all mesh together and they are each their own person. Love how that works.


“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.” -Philippians 1:3

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