
Kids and Goats

And in a blink, it was time to go round up the kids again. It was lovely to have some time being just the two of us, but we were also ready for some hugs and kisses from our little crew.


Like this.
Like this.



Our arrival coincided with goat feeding time.
Our arrival coincided with goat feeding time.



Although at Grandpa's house, anytime is goat feeding time. Which both the kids and goats think is great. Which also explains the uh, portly nature of the goats. Ahem.
Although at Grandpa’s house, anytime is goat feeding time. Which both the kids and goats think is great. Which also explains the uh, portly nature of the goats. Ahem.



The wooden katanas were a bit hit. And so far, no stitches have been needed, so everybody wins.
The wooden katanas were a bit hit. And so far, no stitches have been needed, so everybody wins.






The goat, however, wasn't too keen on that idea. Can't really say as I blame him though.
The goat, however, wasn’t too keen on that idea. Can’t really say as I blame him though.



Only the green leafy stuff enticed him to come near our little people.
Only the green leafy stuff enticed him to come near our little people.



We were told this boy made it his job all day, everyday to run back and forth from tree to goat and back again. He has found his calling.
We were told this boy made it his job all day, everyday to run back and forth from tree to goat and back again. He has found his calling.



Ah, my girl.
Ah, my girl.



Here, goaty goaty.
Here, goaty goaty.



Didn't have to wait long.
Didn’t have to wait long.






Squatting to get down to the goat's level. Although, he's not much bigger than the goat even when he's standing...
Squatting to get down to the goat’s level. Although, he’s not much bigger than the goat even when he’s standing…



The goats tended to favor Allie. Because she was the quietest. And stillest. And patientest. She's awesome like that. Goats always know.
The goats tended to favor Allie. Because she was the quietest. And stillest. And patientest. She’s awesome like that. Goats always know.



Ahhh. Good to be back together again. Missed them.
Ahhh. Good to be back together again. Missed them.



Staring contest.
Staring contest.



Jonah cooing at this
Jonah sharing a laugh with this husky goat (remember, they’ve been reeeeaaaaally well fed all week), while the staring contest was still going on between the other two.






Back and forth...
Back and forth…



Back and forth...
Back and forth…



All day long.
All day long.



They even got Daddy interested in goat feeding time.
They even got Daddy interested in goat feeding time.



WIth tips for success from the goat whisperer herself.
With tips for success from the goat whisperer herself.



Course he's gotta add his own flair.
Course he’s gotta add his own flair.



Caught them butting heads. Goats, not humans. This time, anyway.
Caught them butting heads. Goats, not humans. This time, anyway.






A boy and a tree that keeps on giving. Someone should really write a book about that.
A boy and a tree that keeps on giving of itself. Sounds vaguely familiar…

More from Grandpa and Grandma’s house to come…

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