
Kids and Dog

When the goats had had their fill (not really, they would’ve kept eating til they burst), we switched our attention to Grandpa’s dog, Lily.





We took her for a walk.
We took her for a walk.






The whole road becomes the sidewalk in the country.
The whole road becomes the sidewalk in the country.



It's also not unusual to have neighbors with rather large pets in their yards. Like these fellas.
It’s also not unusual to have neighbors with rather large pets in their yards. Like these fellas.



Hi fellas.
Hi fellas.



The house at the end of the hill before it turns into a private road. Beautiful on the outside. But Grandpa says it's not well-built on the inside. It doesn't have good bones. He makes it his business to know these type of things.
The house at the end of the hill before it turns into a private road. Beautiful on the outside. But Grandpa says it’s not well-built on the inside. It doesn’t have good bones. He makes it his business to know these type of things.


And then we trekked back home.
And then we trekked back home.



Someone was getting tiiiiiiiiyerd.
Someone was getting tiiiiiiiiyerd. And I’m not talking about the dog.



The other two were getting quite a lead in front of us.
The other two were pulling ahead of us.



Second strength!
Second strength!



"Uh, are you sure this is a good idea, Momma?" Lily asked with her eyes.
“Uh, are you sure this is a good idea, Momma?” Lily asked with her eyes.




And all too soon came the time to say goodbye once again. So, so thankful for their grandparents.
And all too soon came the time to say goodbye once again. So, so thankful for their grandparents.



Me and my dad.
Me and my dad.



Me and my dad and my son.
Me and my dad and my son.



Evidence of my dad's green thumb which I did not inherit.
Evidence of my dad’s green thumb which I did not inherit.






Goodbye hugs...
Goodbye hugs…



and kisses.
and kisses.


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