
San Francisco, Pt 1

After leaving the grandparents’ house, we headed straight up to San Francisco for a last hurrah before school started.


And once again, Daddy came through with a fun hotel for us to explore. We stayed on the top floor. Which also came with access to complimentary snack and beverage vending machines. It was hard to tell who enjoyed this feature more- me or the kids. It was probably me. I love snacks.
And once again, Daddy came through with a fun hotel for us to explore. We stayed on the top floor. Which also came with access to complimentary snack and beverage vending machines. It was hard to tell who enjoyed this feature more- me or the kids. It was probably me. I love snacks.



No proper hotel stay is complete without some bed-to-bed leaping.
No proper hotel stay is complete without some bed-to-bed leaping.






He didn't make it to the other bed. Tears ensued.
He didn’t make it to the other bed. Tears ensued.



It's okay though. No permanent damage done.
It’s okay though. No permanent damage done.



Summer's last hurrah obviously requires some footloose and fancy-free dancing about.
Summer’s last hurrah obviously requires some footloose and fancy-free dancing about.



I have no words for this situation though.
I have no words for this situation though.



Summer's last hurrah has got to include some cartoon watching, too.
Summer’s last hurrah has got to include some cartoon watching, too.



The next morning, we actually made it out of the hotel to do a little sightseeing.
The next morning, we actually made it out of the hotel to do a little sightseeing.



We totally embraced our tourist status and hit the road most traveled.
We totally embraced our tourist status and hit the road most traveled.



Smile, kids! This is what you’re gonna write about for your “what I did over summer vacation” essays when school starts!






Taking some time to stop and smell the... er, what kind of flowers are these? Purple daisies?
Taking some time to stop and smell the… er, what kind of flowers are these? Purple daisies?






We stopped into a tourist trap, I mean souvenir store, where Jonah fell instantly and totally in love with this giant, ratty, ancient, dusty, musty old bear.
We stopped into a tourist trap, I mean souvenir store, where Jonah fell instantly and totally in love with this giant, ratty, ancient, dusty, musty old bear.



We commented to each other that San Francisco would be totally fun to visit on our next kidless vacation.
We commented to each other that San Francisco would be totally fun to visit on our next kidless vacation. (Mikey took this one of us.)



Not that it wasn't fun with the kids. Just... a different kind of fun that requires making these faces from time to time.
Not that it wasn’t fun with the kids. Just… a different kind of fun that requires making these faces from time to time.



Piano steps!
Piano steps!



Lauren's John Travolta moment.
Lauren’s John Travolta moment.



We ran into Jonah's best buddy again when the girls decided they for sure wanted the souvenir that came from this store.
We ran into Jonah’s best buddy again when the girls decided they for sure wanted the souvenir that came from this store.



This is what they both decided they must have. I tried my best to dissuade them. I don't even know what these things are.
This is what they both decided they must have. I tried my best to dissuade them. I don’t even know what these things are.



Our next stop loomed in the distance.
Our next stop loomed in the distance.



But first a lunch break. Clam chowder taste testing. Yum.
But first a lunch break. Clam chowder taste testing. Yum.

More to come…

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