
San Francisco, Pt 2

And what's a touristy trip to San Francisco without coming to see this?
And what’s a touristy trip to San Francisco without coming to see this?



Love this one that Mikey took of us.
Love this one that Mikey took of us.



Relying on the kindness of strangers means that I get in the family pictures once in a while, too.
Relying on the kindness of strangers means that I get in the family pictures once in a while, too.



Taking a picture of her taking a picture of me.
Taking a picture of her taking a picture of me.



And then we spent an entirely enjoyable afternoon letting the kids be kids at the Bay Area Discovery Museum.
And then we spent an entirely enjoyable afternoon letting the kids be kids at the Bay Area Discovery Museum.



Continuing his streak of making a friend wherever he goes.  Little brother clearly showing the same bent.
Continuing his streak of making a friend wherever he goes. Little brother clearly showing the same bent.






Man, I love this kid.
Man, I love this kid.



This gives me pause. And visions of googling the nearest emergency room.
This gives me pause. And visions of googling the nearest emergency room.






A mere breath before the sudden rush of water.
Moments before the sudden rush of water comes through.



They love anything that can fit the four of them at once.
They love anything that can fit the four of them at once.



Love catching moments like this.
Love catching moments like this.



They sure took off in a hurry, shrieking all the way.
They sure took off in a hurry, shrieking all the way.



Because of this.
Because of this.



Hello my sweet.
Hello my sweet.



Love how he dreams big and wide.
Love how he dreams big and wide.



Man, I love this kid. DId I say that already? It bears repeating then. I love this kid.
Man, I love this kid. Did I say that already? It bears repeating then. I love this kid.



Never a dull moment.
Never a dull moment.









And then we made our way to the other side of the bridge just as the fog started to roll in. This is what happens when the kids declare themselves totally over taking any more pictures with the bridge. More time of selfies, then!
And then we made our way to the other side of the bridge just as the fog started to roll in. This is what happens when the kids decide they’re not interested in getting out of the van to take any more pictures with the bridge. More time for selfies, then!



A nighttime drive down Lombard Street to complete our total tourist trip.
A nighttime drive down Lombard Street to complete our total tourist trip.



The next morning, all were sad to have to pack up and say goodbye.
The next morning, all were sad to have to pack up and say goodbye.



One last ride down.
One last ride down.









Yeah, I'm gonna say he had a pretty good time.
Yeah, I’m gonna say he had a pretty good time.



Lingering on the hotel grounds since none of us felt the need to rush home.
Lingering on the hotel grounds since none of us felt the need to rush home.












One last stop in the Pez Museum because we reeeeaaaally weren't feeling the need to rush home.
One last stop in the Pez Museum because we reeeeaaaally weren’t feeling the need to rush home.

And that is what we Tsais did over summer vacation.

The end.

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