
Their Albums

Several years ago, I bought three small photo albums. I bought three because we had only three children at the time. And then we moved. And then we had surprise baby number four. And then we moved a couple more times. And life kept happening in between all that.

So those three photo albums kept getting packed, unpacked, stored away, and packed again. Still in their cellophane wrappers, with only the generic picture slipped in the front to let you know that you’re supposed to put your own cherished photographed memories inside. NOT let them sit empty and shoved here and there through the years.

Phil came across the albums a couple months ago during one of his irregularly scheduled bursts of tidying up. He was definitely taken aback when he innocently asked if I wanted to get rid of them seeing as how they’ve been hanging around for years and hadn’t ever even been opened and I emphatically shrieked, “NO! I NEED THEM!!”

Yes. I do like to keep him guessing. About my sanity. Keeps that certain spark alive, you know.

And so, at the end of summer, I finally tore open those cellophane wrappers, dug out the Costco coupons for 100 free prints (which have also been with us for several years- thankfully, there’s no expiration date on those puppies!), shrugged off my procrastination mantle, and set to work.


So that ultimately, I could set them to work on a project long promised and now finally kept.
So that ultimately, I could set them to work on a project long promised and now finally kept.



Thankfully, I got away with having just three albums because number four was tucked away for a nap and didn’t have to witness himself getting left out.



He did wake up just in time to enjoy the finished album with his big brother.
He did wake up just in time to enjoy the finished album with his big brother.



I love when my baby coos over himself as a cute littler-than-he-is-now baby.
I love when my baby coos over himself as a cute littler-than-he-is-now baby.



These shared memories. These laughs. These family bonds. They are why I do what I do. Love them all.
The shared memories. The looks. The laughs. The family bonds. They are why I do what I do. Love them all.
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