
First Day Favorites

So after one last last hurrah at Legoland, which I don’t have any pictures of because I didn’t take my big camera because Phil got a nifty new little camera he wanted to try out but the battery died before we really got to use it so that day will have to just be briefly noted here and live in our memories because I am teetering dangerously close to being now three months behind and I just cannot linger on that thought too long before feeling overwhelmed because now Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK. And Christmas is RIGHT AFTER THAT.


Okay. Deep breaths.

First day of school. Back on August 25th. Which honestly doesn’t feel all that long ago.

More deep breaths.


Ready to tackle fourth grade with his spiffy new binder because he now has to rotate between two classrooms each day and keep track of his stuff. Which he's been awesome at so far and has pleasantly surprised his dad and I. So proud of this kid.
Ready to tackle fourth grade with his spiffy new binder because he now has to rotate between two classrooms each day and keep track of his stuff. Which he’s been awesome at so far and has pleasantly surprised his dad and I. So proud of this kid.

His favorite things going into fourth grade…
Color:  Blue
Book:  Calvin & Hobbes (comic); Magic Treehouse (chapter)
Activity:  Building Legos
Sport:  Handball (to play); UCLA Football (to watch)
Toy:  Legos
TV show:  Star Wars Clone Wars
Movie:  The Lego Movie
Food:  Cheeseburger
Day of the Week:  Saturday
Subject in School:  Literature
People in the Bible:  Jesus, David, Gideon, Ehud (the left-handed judge)
Holiday:  Christmas


Heading into third grade with her gray boots on.
Heading into third grade with her gray boots on.

Her favorite things going into third grade…
Color:  Pink & turquoise
Book:  Sophia & the Floating Palace (picture); Junie B. Jones & the Mushy Gushy Fruitcake (chapter)
Activity:  Painting, writing
Sport:  Swimming
Toy:  Dolls
TV show:  Finneas & Ferb
Movie:  Princess and the Pop Star
Food:  Mac & cheese
Day of the Week:  Saturday
Subject in School:  Reading
People in the Bible:  Esther, Ruth
Holiday:  Birthday



Kindergarten, take two. (After six weeks crying every morning before Kindergarten last year, we came to realize that this little one just needed an extra year to get her bearings and feel ready, so we gave it to her in the form of transitional kindergarten last year and it turned out to be the best decision for her. So thankful we had that option.)
Kindergarten, take two. (After six weeks crying every morning before Kindergarten last year, we came to realize that this little one just needed an extra year to get her bearings and feel ready, so we gave it to her in the form of transitional kindergarten last year and it turned out to be the best decision for her. So thankful we had that option.)

Her favorite things going into kindergarten…
Color:  Purple & pink
Book:  Miss Bindergarten books
Activity:  Painting, playing with Allie
Sport:  Nothing
Toy:  Tea party set
TV show:  My Little Pony
Movie:  Princess and the Pop Star
Food:  Pancakes
Day of the Week:  Monday
Subject in School:  Sharing time
People in the Bible:  Jesus
Holiday:  Christmas



SOOOOO excited for preschool. And the fact that he gets to take a Minion backpack (filled with spare undies and shorts for the occasional oops), and a lunchbox just like his older siblings.
SOOOOO excited for preschool. And the fact that he gets to take a Minion backpack (filled with spare undies and shorts for the occasional oops), and a lunchbox just like his older siblings.

His favorite things going into preschool…
Color:  Green
Book:  Cars, Firetruck books
Activity:  Car tracks; playing with Mikey; going to the market with Mommy
Sport:  Baseball
Toy:  Yellow blankie, stuffed monkey, cars, trains, balls
TV show:  Curious George
Movie:  Curious George Boo-fest
Food:  Noodles, pancakes









Lined up against the same wall as last year. We were happy to find out she got the same teacher she had for six weeks last year.
Lined up against the same wall as last year. We were happy to find out she got the same teacher she had for six weeks last year.



Finally time to get this boy to his preschool.
Finally time to get this boy to his preschool.



All excitement and joy went out the window when the reality of his actually having to stay there without us hit him. But no tears for this tough little cookie. He did however, collect his backpack and lunchbox from his cubby five minutes after he put them in there thinking he was leaving with us. There was a bit of explaining to make him understand that no, preschool lasted just a bit longer than that.
All excitement and joy went out the window when the reality of his actually having to stay there without us hit him. But no tears for this tough little cookie. He did however, collect his backpack and lunchbox from his cubby five minutes after he put them in there thinking he was leaving with us. There was a bit of explaining to make him understand that no, preschool lasted just a bit longer than that. But he ended up having a great first day and everyday since. That’s his teacher, Miss Andrea behind him. He loves her. And he loves preschool. Even Speech time, thankfully.



What to do with ourselves now with no munchkins left in the house? I guess we'll have to drown our sorrows over a leisurely breakfast. Heh.
What to do with ourselves now with no munchkins left in the house? I guess we’ll have to drown our sorrows over a leisurely breakfast date. Heh.



And before we knew it, the munchkins were back! All had a great first day, for which we were very thankful.
And before we knew it, the munchkins were back! All had a great first day, for which we were very thankful.



And for their first day surprise, we let them loose on our newly installed lawn! The finishing piece of the backyard reno that took much longer than the given estimate. Of course.
And for their first day surprise, we let them loose on our newly installed lawn! The finishing piece of the backyard reno that took much longer than the given estimate. Of course.



Hello my baby.
Hello my baby.



Running through the sprinklers quickly morphed into this.
Running through the sprinklers quickly morphed into this.



And this.
And this.

So thankful for a great start to the school year, great teachers, thriving kids, and ten-and-a-half hours a week to myself each week. God is so good.

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