
Let’s Go Bruins

In anticipation of the big game this coming Saturday, here are some shots from tailgating Tsai-style earlier in the season.





This year, Phil added a tv to the fun.
This year, Phil added a tv to the fun.



Which they all thought was a great idea.
Which they all thought was a great idea.












Mmmm... meat...






It was a crazy hot day so these water bottle misters really came in handy.
It was a crazy hot day so these water bottle misters really came in handy.






This boy...
This boy…



doesn't always listen when he's told not to shoot mommy.
doesn’t always listen when he’s told not to shoot mommy.



I don't know why he gets away with so much naughtiness.
I don’t know why he gets away with so much naughtiness.



This is what happens when the little brother is in charge of the water mister.
This is what happens when the little brother is in charge of the water mister.



This pretty much sums up a lot about this family.
This pretty much sums up a lot about this family.



Also, this.
Also, this.



In other news... burger... mmm...
In other news… burger… mmm…






Beat SC!
We know what team we’re rooting for.

Beat ‘SC!

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