

Driving by those billboards advertising Universal Studio’s “buy one day get the whole next year free!” one too many times and we finally caved.

And went.

Right after they had set up all their super scary super gross Halloween decorations.

Parents of the year, right here.

So, after we made it into the park with the three older kids walking with their heads ducked down staring straight at the ground and clutching onto our shirts to guide them, and Jonah cluelessly staring wide-eyed at all the creepy dummies and repeatedly asking me why all the mean, scary guys were looking so mean and scary, we concluded that there was just one area we could be in that wouldn’t give them all nightmares.


And this was it: Minion Mayhem. At least we ran into some friendly* faces here. *"friendly" being relative.
And this was it: Minion Mayhem. At least we ran into some friendly* faces here. *”friendly” being relative.



About to be minionized.
About to be minionized.



Just after being accused of letting loose some banana-scented gas.
Just after being accused of letting loose some banana-scented gas. Also please note those are not Mikey’s eyes, that’s actually me reflected in his 3-D glasses. Trippy!



Poor little brother wasn't big enough to ride the minion ride so had to make do with this little bug ride. Over and over and over.
Poor little brother wasn’t big enough to ride the minion ride so had to make do with this little bug ride. Over and over and over.



Also, he found some pals to hang with.
At least he found some pals to hang with.



You may have noticed Jonah clutching onto a little yellow buddy in the last two pictures. No? Well, Lauren sure did. So her daddy took her to do this.
You may have noticed Jonah clutching onto a little yellow buddy in the last two pictures. No? Well, Lauren sure did. So her daddy took her to do this.



And this inevitably happened. Stuffed animals. They keep multiplying in our house no matter what I say or what foot I put down. It all matters not in the end.
And this inevitably happened. Stuffed animals. They keep multiplying in our house no matter what I say or what foot I put down. It all matters not in the end.



Her daddy has the unfortunate inability to say no to this little face.
Her daddy has the unfortunate inability to say no to this little face.



One of these mannequins is not like the others...
One of these mannequins is not like the others…

So, a funnish time was had by all. But we all definitely agreed that we would save our next visit til after Halloween and all its trimmings were well passed by many weeks. Now maybe we venture back to check out the rest of the theme park!

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