

I am bound and determined to catch up on posts before the end of this year. I’m gonna do it. Positive thinking. Determined little train. Pumping self up.

Though, maybe I’ve gotta up my game from posting twice a week to really make it happen.

And… this may not be the best month to tackle extra ambition.




I’m going to keep plugging along. Even if it means posting the pictures from inside our house even though I struggle with shooting inside our dark house. And even though the clutter drives me nuts. And even though the story might not be particularly poignant but totally mundane instead.

Because the majority of our life as a family together is lived in this house, with all its clutter and mundane-ness. Many of our memories are being made inside this warm, cozy house even if it does tend toward the darker, bat-cave side. These kiddos of mine will never look tomorrow the way they did today because they don’t look the way they did yesterday. So I grab the small moments while I can and memorize those dear little hairs growing on the back of his baby neck, or her expression as she reads, or the way his fingers grasp his pencil while doing homework, or how she’s so good about playing with her little brother. So fleeting, those moments. But precious to look back on.

Anyone else feel like it’s all going much too quickly?


A typical afternoon in our house looks like this. Him doing homework.
A typical afternoon in our house looks like this. Him doing homework.



While stuffing popcorn into his mouth.
While stuffing popcorn into his mouth.



Her doing her twenty minutes of reading homework. Which she really enjoys because she loves to read. They all do in various forms and for that I am so thankful.
Her doing her twenty minutes of reading homework. Which she really enjoys because she loves to read. They all do in various forms and for that I am so thankful.



Meanwhile the younger two find things to do while waiting for the older two to finish their homework. I'm very thankful there's always someone to play with around here and that they're all buddies for the most part.
Meanwhile the younger two find things to do while waiting for the older two to finish their homework. I’m very thankful there’s always someone to play with around here and that they’re all buddies for the most part.



Those baby neck hairs!
Those baby neck hairs!



This one makes me laugh. He's eyeing me while she's trying to keep the tower from toppling over.
This one makes me laugh. He’s eyeing me while she’s trying to keep the tower from toppling over.



She's gotten really in to her camera lately.
She’s gotten really in to her camera lately.



Really? You too?
Really? You too?



Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Well, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.



Or do a crazy dance.
Or do a crazy dance.



And if all else fails, stand on your head by all means. That's always a crowd pleaser.
And if all else fails, stand on your head by all means. That’s always a crowd pleaser.

These are the moments I’m loving right now.

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